dalsi informace o existenci temné hmoty (Dark Energy)
Content of the Universe
WMAP data reveals that its contents include 4% atoms, the building blocks of stars and planets. Dark matter comprises 22% of the universe. This matter, different from atoms, does not emit or absorb light. It has only been detected indirectly by its gravity. 74% of the Universe, is composed of "dark energy", that acts as a sort of an anti-gravity. This energy, distinct from dark matter, is responsible for the present-day acceleration of the universal expansion.
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Poslední rozložení se nam mirne posunulo a mozno ocekavat, ze v budoucnu dojde k dalsimu upresneni jak bude sledovani Vesmiru pokracovat.
Proti puvodnimu odhadu se jen mirne lisi:
-4 percent normal matter - normalni hmoty
-22 percent dark matter - temne hmoty
-74 percent dark energy - temne energie
stáří našeho Vesmíru - časové rozložení
udeleni cen za objevy v oblasti
Dark Energy
a take
Max Planck
Anna Hogenová Hlasy taviciho kotle
o tomtez jako Iveta Duskova
Anna Hogenová
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